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Today, we're going to talk about endangered animal from the sea, this animal is critically endangered -worst than orangutans-, the name is Hawksbill turtle, here's the link about it , but we're here to simplify it :]

What's Hawksbill turtle?

Hawksbill turtle is a critically endangered marine turtle. The scientific name for it is Eretmochelys imbricata. It has a thin, flexible and highly-coloured shell. The carapace of the hawksbill is unusual amongst the marine turtles as the scutes are overlapping, it often streaked and marbled with amber, yellow or brown, most evident when the shell material is worked and polished. It's usually one meter in length with the weight of 40 - 60 kg.

Their habitat has being pollute nowadays so these places are ecological region, here are some ecological region : Benguela Current, Humboldt Current, Agulhas Current, Gulf of California and other places which you can check out the website given above.

To know more about these critically endangered animal, visit the website given above. Thanks for reading it, bookmark our page or be a follower of out blog to stay updated with us.

-Nature Lovers-

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